Exercise 2: Branching out! (40%)

Document: Software Engineering 1: Lab Exercises

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up Session 3: Week 6/7: Introducing C
gif Exercise 1: Hello World! (60%)

Exercise 2: Branching out! (40%)

Here is the program insult.c introduced in the lectures:

    #include <safe-c.h>

    void main(void)
      string_type s;

      put_string("Welcome to INSULT!\n");
      put_string("What is your name?\n");

      if (string_equal(s, "Barry\n"))
        put_string("Hi, smarty pants!\n");
        put_string("oooh - I don't like *you*!!!\n");

      put_string("Bye bye from INSULT...\n");

Using this as a basis, or template, develop (plan, code, test, correct) a program called sport.c which will behave as follows:

  1. Display a suitable welcome/identification message.
  2. Ask the user to type in his or her favourite sport.
  3. If the topic is "Tennis", display the message "Tennis? I used to play Cricket!".
  4. If the topic is anything else, display the message "What a silly game!" instead.
  5. Finally display some suitable closing message.

Tue Apr 30 14:15:37 GMT 1996