
Document: Software Engineering 1: Lab Exercises

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up Session 4: Week 8/9: Quiz Time
gif Session 4: Week 8/9: Quiz Time


This session is concerned with developing and reinforcing the basic tools of C programming already introduced. The session does not involve any significant new concepts, but merely requires that you apply the techniques you have already learned in slightly more elaborate ways.

You are again required to write a formal lab report, and submit it by email, in exactly the same format and manner as in session 3. This session also again involves creating, editing and storing files on your PC (in suitable directories), and compiling C source files to produce executable files. If you are unsure of any aspect of doing these things, please review the session 3 notes again. The relevant instructions will not be repeated here.

This session has two exercises. In the first you are give a program and told what it ought to do. You are then asked to test whether the program behaves as specified; and, if not, to correct any defects you can identify. In the second exercise you are asked to develop a more ambitious program, based on the given program.

Document: Software Engineering 1: Lab Exercises

next Exercise 1: Correction (60%)
up Session 4: Week 8/9: Quiz Time
gif Session 4: Week 8/9: Quiz Time
Tue Apr 30 14:15:37 GMT 1996