Exercise 1: Correction (50%)

Document: Software Engineering 1: Lab Exercises

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Exercise 1: Correction (50%)

Consider the program circle0.c. This should prompt for the user's name; then print "Hello " followed by the user's name; then ask the user to enter the radius of a circle (in m); the program should then calculate and print out the circumference and area of the circle.gif

The program is very poorly laid out and formatted. Reformat it in a way that makes it easier to read and understand.gif Correct any "obvious" mistakes. Of course, you should note what changes your make, and include a copy of the reformatted program, in your formal report.

Now test whether the program behaves as specified. If not, identify and correct any defects. Carefully record each such defect, and your correction, in your formal report.

Document: Software Engineering 1: Lab Exercises

next Exercise 2: Enhancement (50%)
up Session 5: Week 10/11: Ever Decreasing Circles...
gif Introduction

Tue Apr 30 14:15:37 GMT 1996