
LaTeX is a typesetting mark-up language, particularly suitable for hierarchically organised documents, and documents using mathematical notation extensively. It is a de-facto standard in academic publishing. A LaTeX source file is still a form of ASCII, but with typesetting commands interspersed with the "raw" text. In principle it can be read with any tool which can display ASCII files. However, note that this, and other online text documents, may be too large to load into the MS-Windows NotePad application. In such cases, you will need to use some alternative viewing tool, such as the Programmer's File Editor. This is a powerful (and free!) professional text editor for Windows. It does the same job as NotePad, but much better!

The course was assessed by written exam up to 1993-94; an option of written exam was offered to repeat students in 1994-95; that option is now formally ceased, and is not available in 1995-96.
Fri Feb 23 10:09:05 GMT 1996