[*] wwwwais.c, version 2.5


What is wwwwais?

WWWWAIS is a small ANSI C program that acts as gateway between programs that create indexed catalogs of files and a forms-capable World-Wide Web browser. With the freely distributable freeWAIS or SWISH packages, this program, and your local Web site, you can:

This program is very loosely based on the Perl waisq interface program that comes with NCSA's httpd.

Great! How do I get started?

First, you need the following software:

freeWAIS or other WAIS software

Once you get freeWAIS, you'll need to compile it and set it up. The following documentation may help to give you a better understanding of what you're going to do next.

If you're only using freeWAIS to do Web searching, you may want to put it all somewhere such as /usr/local/httpd/wais (but that's just my preference). You'll also want to create a directory to hold the WAIS database for your site, somewhere like /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources.


You can also use SWISH (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans), a program that does many things similar to WAIS but is highly simplified, so it's easy to set up and install.

You may want to put SWISH things somewhere such as /usr/local/httpd/swish. You'll also want to create a directory to hold SWISH databases, somewhere like /usr/local/httpd/swish/sources.

What to do after compiling

After you've compiled (and installed) freeWAIS and/or SWISH, make sure the waisindex, waisq, waissearch, and swish programs are somewhere in your executable path (somewhere such as /usr/local/bin).

Now you'll want to put the following C-shell script somewhere where you can run it. This script will index your Web site into a searchable database that WAIS clients can read.

#! /bin/csh

set rootdir = /usr/local/www
#	This is the root directory of the Web tree you want to index.

set index = /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources/index
#	This is the name your WAIS indexes will be built under.
#       Index files will be called index.* in the /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources
#       directory, in this example.

set indexprog = /usr/local/httpd/wais/waisindex
#	The full pathname to your waisindex program.

set nonomatch
cd $rootdir
set num = 0
foreach pathname (`du $rootdir | cut -f2 | tail -r`)

	echo "The current pathname is: $pathname"
	if ($num == 0) then
		set exportflag = "-export"
		set exportflag = "-a"
        $indexprog -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index $exportflag $pathname/*.html
        $indexprog -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.txt
        $indexprog -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.c
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.ps
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.gif
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.au
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.hqx
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.xbm
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.mpg
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.pict
        $indexprog -nocontents -l 0 -nopairs -nocat -d $index -a $pathname/*.tiff
	@ num++
echo "$num directories were indexed."

Make sure you've configured everything correctly, then run this script. The more files your Web site has, the longer indexing will take.

Taking as an example the above configuration in the script, you'd have the directory /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources and a number of files with the prefix index in the directory. The name of the database you've just created is index.src.

If you're using SWISH, you'll want to create a configuration file, call it something such as swish.conf, and place it somewhere such as /usr/local/httpd/swish/ (if you're using NCSA's httpd server). The configuration file below will do pretty much the same thing as the above script for waisindex:

# SWISH configuration file

IndexDir /usr/local/www
# This is the root directory of the Web tree you want to index.

IndexFile /usr/local/httpd/swish/sources/index.swish
# This is the name your SWISH index will be built as.

IndexOnly .html .txt .c .ps .gif .au .hqx .xbm .mpg .pict .tiff
# Only files with these suffixes will be indexed.

IndexVerbose yes
# Put this to show indexing information as swish is working.

NoContents .ps .gif .au .hqx .xbm .mpg .pict .tiff
# Files with these suffixes won't have their contents indexed,
# only their file names.

Now type:

  swish -c /usr/local/httpd/swish/swish.conf

To run swish and index your site.

Taking as an example the above configuration in the script, you'd have the directory /usr/local/httpd/swish/sources and one file called index.swish in the directory. The name of the database you've just created is index.swish.

The next step

Now you'll need to grab the C source for wwwwais. You can get it at http://www.eit.com/software/wwwwais/. Please read the license before downloading the source. Should you have licensing or business-related questions only, please contact Elizabeth Batson at batson@eit.com.

Because wwwwais reads in a configuration file, you'll need to specify where the file exists in the source code. You might want to make the path to this file something like /usr/local/httpd/conf/wwwwais.conf.

Now compile wwwwais - it seems to compile fine with gcc.

Put the program in your Web server's /cgi-bin directory. It's a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) program, so it should be in this directory. Make sure you've made it executable by everyone, if that's what you want.

Setting up the configuration file

The configuration file is easy to set up - it's much like NCSA and CERN server configuration files. Hash marks (#) and blank lines are ignored. To specify a variable and its value, type the variable name, a space, and its value. Here's an example configuration file:

# WWWWAIS configuration file

PageTitle "waistitle.html"
# If this is a string, it will be a title only.
# If it specifies an HTML file, this file will be prepended to wwwwais results.

SelfURL "http://www.eit.com/cgi-bin/wwwwais"
# The self-referencing URL for wwwwais.

MaxHits 40
# The maximum number of results to return.

SortType score
# How results are sorted. This can be "score", "lines", "bytes",
# "title", or "type".

AddrMask all
# Only addresses specified here will be allowed to use the gateway.
# For the above mask option, these rules apply:
# 1) You can use asterisks in specifying the string, at either
#    ends of the string:
#    "192.100.*", "*100*", "*2.100.2"
# 2) You can make lists of masks:
#    "*192.58.2,*.2", "*.100,*171.128*", ".58.2,*100"
# 3) A mask without asterisks will match EXACTLY:
#    ""
# 4) Define as "all" to allow all sites.

WaisqBin /usr/local/bin/waisq
# The full path to your waisq program.
WaissearchBin /usr/local/bin/waissearch
# The full path to your waissearch program.
SwishBin /usr/local/bin/swish
# The full path to your swish program.

SwishSource /usr/local/httpd/wais/index/index.swish "Search EIT's Web (plain results)"
SourceRules replace "/usr/local/www/" "http://www.eit.com/"
WaisSource /usr/local/httpd/wais/index/index.src "Search EIT's Web (plain results)"
SourceRules replace "/usr/local/www/" "http://www.eit.com/"
WaisSource /usr/local/httpd/wais/index/index.src "Search EIT's Web (bolded resul
SourceRules replace "/usr/local/www/" "/"
SourceRules prepend "http://www.eit.com/cgi-bin/print_hit_bold.pl"
SourceRules append "?$KEYWORDS#first_hit"
WaisSource quake.think.com 210 directory-of-servers "WAIS directory of servers"
# WAIS source file descriptions.
# For waisq sources:
#    WaisSource full_path_to_source/source.src "description"
# For waissearch sources:
#    WaisSource host.name port source "description"
# For swish sources:
#    SwishSource full_path_to_source/source.swish "description"

UseIcons yes
# Define as "yes" or "no" if you do or don't want to use icons.

IconUrl http://www.eit.com/software/wwwwais/icons
# Where all your icons are kept.

TypeDef .html "HTML file" $ICONURL/text.xbm text/html
TypeDef .txt "text file" $ICONURL/text.xbm text/plain
TypeDef .ps "PostScript file" $ICONURL/image.xbm application/postscript
TypeDef .gif "GIF image" $ICONURL/image.xbm image/gif
TypeDef .src "WAIS index" $ICONURL/index.xbm text/plain
TypeDef .?? "unknown" $ICONURL/unknown.xbm text/plain
# Information for figuring out file types based on suffix.
# Suffix matching is case insensitive.
#    TypeDef .suffix "description" file://url.to.icon.for.this.type/ MIME-type
# You can use $ICONURL in the icon URL to substitute the root icon directory.

Variables such as SelfURL, SortType, and MaxHits should be fairly explanatory; see below for a list of options. You can use the AddrMask option to allow only certain sites to search your site, and WaisqBin, WaissearchBin, and SwishBin are pointers to your waisq, waissearch, and swish programs, respectively.

The WaisSource and SwishSource variables

The WaisSource and SwishSource variables tells wwwwais the sources you want the user to be able to search. For an index that will be searched with waisq, specify the full pathname to the source you want to search (ending in .src) and a short description of the database. For WAIS servers, specify the host name, port, source name (without a .src) and a short description. For SWISH indexes, specify the full path to the source (ending in .swish) and a short description.

If you've specified more than one WAIS and/or SWISH source in your configuration file, a pop-up menu will appear on the wwwwais page with the descriptions as menu items (in the order that you specified the sources). Choose one and start searching! If you have only one source specified, no menu will appear. Just enter your search text and hit return to search that source.

Using SourceRules

When results are returned from WAIS servers and waisq, you may get a bunch of funny pathnames to files that you can't access. Using SourceRules, you can specify a series of operations to perform on the pathname result to change it into a URL, a CGI program to filter the file through, and so on.

There are three operations you can specify: replace, append, and prepend. They will parse the pathname in the order you've typed these commands. More than one command and its arguments can appear on the same line, but it's easier to read when commands are broken up over a few lines. You can't put a command and its argument(s) on different lines, however.

Commands apply to the WAIS source specified just before the commands. Here's the syntax:

   replace "the string you want replaced" "what to change it to"
      This replaces all occurrences of the old string
      with the new one.
   prepend "a string to add before the result"
   append "a string to add after the result"
In any command argument, $KEYWORDS will be replaced with the keywords you used to search, so you can pass them to filtering programs that can use them. One good program is print_hit_bold.pl, a Perl program which bolds the found text in search results.

Study the above sample configuration file and try things out. You'll find you can do a lot of nifty things with WAIS sites and filters.

Using TypeDef

The program often will need to know the types of files it's returning, so you won't be so confused when you get results back, and so your browser will know what to do if you ask for a file. The TypeDef option maps different suffixes to MIME types and short descriptions.

On a TypeDef line, you need to specify the suffix for the particular type(with a period), a short description to include in results (this shouldn't be any more than two or three words), the URL to the icon representing the file type (unused if you're not displaying icons), and the MIME type corresponding to the particular type.

The information specified with the suffix .?? will be associated with all other files that wwwwais can't figure out.

Setting up the HTML form

In order to create an interface for your WAIS database, stick the following in any HTML page you want the search capability:

<form method=GET action="/cgi-bin/wwwwais">
Search for: <input type=text name="keywords" size=40> <input type=submit value=" Search ">
Try entering multiple words to search for (they should be separated by spaces). Using boolean operators (using and and or in searching) appears to be supported by waisq, so you can use them. Try it out!

Wait! What's the difference between waisq and waissearch?

Both the waisq and waissearch programs that come in the freeWAIS distribution search WAIS databases for the information you're looking for. However, waisq looks in databases on the host machine you're doing the searching on, and waissearch can look in databases on different machines all over the Internet. swish is much like waisq in that only indexes that are locally available to wwwwais can be searched.

The waissearch program does things remotely by contacting WAIS servers on different machines, each of which has their own databases. In order for waissearch to do its thing, you need to tell it a machine name and a port to connect to, and that machine needs to have a WAIS server of their own running on that port.

By telling wwwwais to use the waissearch program and specifying a host name and port in the URL (see below), you can search WAIS databases on other machines. If you wish to run your own WAIS server on your machine, make sure you have the waisserver program (from the freeWAIS package) and run it like this (all on one line with no returns):

./waisserver -p 2010 -d /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources
-e /usr/local/httpd/logs/wais.log &
This will run a WAIS server on your machine on port 2010. This server should log its results to a file named wais.log and will search through any databases located in the /usr/local/httpd/wais/sources directory.

Say you have a database named "index.src" in that directory and you've started your WAIS server with the line above. To search "index.src" using your server, you could call wwwwais with a URL like this (all on one line, of course):


Calling wwwwais with options

You can call wwwwais with different options in the URL:

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?selection=none
      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?selection="My+WAIS+server"
      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?selection="Files+about+me"
  description: Specifies the index source to use (as set up
               in the configuration file). The argument is
               the source description. If selection
               is not defined as "none", any corresponding
               source information in the configuration file
               will override arguments and environment

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?searchprog=waissearch
  description: Specifies the program to do the searching.
               This can be "waisq", "waissearch", or

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?source=index.src
  description: Specifies the index database to search.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?sourcedir=/usr/local/sources
  description: Specifies the directory the index database
               resides in. (You can have multiple databases
               in the same directory)

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?maxhits=40
  description: Determines the maximum number of URLs
               to return after a search.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?keywords=these+are+keywords
  description: You can specify the search keywords by using
               the keywords label.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?isindex=these+are+keywords
  description: This works the same as keywords.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?sorttype=bytes
  description: This determines how wwwwais sorts its output.
               Valid arguments for sort are "score",
               "lines", "bytes", "title", and "type".

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?version=true
  description: This gives the version information for
               wwwwais and the waisq or waissearch program
               it runs only.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?host=eit.com
  description: This gives the host machine to search. This
               is only valid when using waissearch to do
               the searching.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?port=2010
  description: This gives the port of the wais server that
               will be doing the searching. This is only
               valid when using waissearch with wwwwais.

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?useicons=yes
  description: This tells wwwwais to use icons for different
               files in the search results. This can be
               "yes" or "no".

      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?iconurl=http://www.eit.com/icons/
  description: This tells wwwwais the master URL at which to
               find the icons it may need.

<keywords only>
      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais?these+are+keywords
  description: Keywords can be specified by themselves from
               "isindex" forms. This only works if no other
               options are used.

<no arguments>
      example: /cgi-bin/wwwwais
  description: Calling the program with no arguments brings
               up a blank field in which users can enter
               search keywords.
Examples of specifying multiple options in the URL:

There are other ways wwwwais can get variable information - you can specify these variables in forms using either the GET or POST methods, and PATH_INFO is supported as well, so you can make something like:

<form method=GET action="/cgi-bin/wwwwais/host=quake.think.com&port=210&searchprog=waissearch">
Search for: <input type=text name="keywords" size=40> <input type=submit value=" Search ">

The above form sets wwwwais up to search the WAIS server at quake.think.com, port 210. Note that you can use the POST method as well in this example, and the result will be exactly the same.

Environment variables are also supported - just put "WWWW_" before variables and make everything uppercase. For instance, instead of putting searchprog=waisq in a URL, you can type setenv WWWW_SEARCHPROG waisq and run wwwwais from a shell script.

Other pointers

Here are some other WAIS resources out there:

That's it!

You can take advantage of the command-line options by creating forms which give the user control over sorting, searching multiple databases, etc. Let me know if you make any nice interfaces with this!

If you come across any bugs or problems while searching a WAIS server, please send me the host, port, and source information so I can try things out and track down the problem.

If you know of other file indexers that can be interfaced with WWWWAIS, I highly recommend that you try modifying WWWWAIS to do so - after all, the point is to provide a single, easy to use method of searching many different types of indexes.

Last update: 8/25/95