... reproduction1
Also often called simply ``replication''.
... tape);2
This is as von Neumann formulated his design, but it may be noted that nothing important hangs on the constructor having this double functionality; the tape copying could be mediated by completely separate machinery, or even no machinery at all, without materially affecting any of the analysis which follows.
... phenotype.3
Of course, this encoding must be relative to the particular decoding implemented by the parental constructor. We will return to this point shortly.
... unlimited.4
Admittedly, this ease of interaction actually makes the problem of realising ``quasi-quiescence'' rather harder--because any given program entity can effectively disrupt any other. This seriously constrained evolutionary phenomena in earlier systems of this sort, such as the $ \alpha$-universes (McMullin, 1992; Holland, 1976) or Coreworld (Rasmussen et al., 1990). Perhaps the most important innovation in the development of Tierra was the introduction of ``memory protection'' which allowed for control of such interactions.