Document: SCL: An Artificial Chemistry in Swarm

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up 3.3 Reactions
gif 3.3 Reactions

3.3.1 Production

Production is initiated by a primary K particle, and is implemented as follows:

  1. A bernoulli random variable is evaluated with probability parameter productionProbability (the rate parameter for the reaction). If this evaluates as NO, the reaction terminates.

  2. A random neighbor is chosen from the default neighborhood (neighborParticle0). If this is not an S particle, the reaction is terminated.

  3. There will be exactly two cells in the default neighborhood which are immediately adjacent to both the primary K particle and the neighborParticle0 S particle. One of these is chosen at random (neigborParticle1). If this does not contain an S particle, the reaction is terminated.

  4. neighborParticle0 is replaced with an H; neighborParticle1 is replaced with an L. That completes the reaction.

next 3.3.2 Disintegration
up 3.3 Reactions
gif 3.3 Reactions

Document: SCL: An Artificial Chemistry in Swarm

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Timestamp: Tue Dec 31 19:40:38 GMT 1996