Document: SCL: An Artificial Chemistry in Swarm

next 3.3.4 Bond Decay
up 3.3 Reactions
gif 3.3.2 Disintegration

3.3.3 Bonding

Bonding is initiated by a primary L particle; however, in general, the various constraints or influences affecting bonding are evaluated symmetrically for both the primary and secondary L particle.

The factors influencing the bonding reaction are as follows:

The detailed implementation of the bonding reaction is as follows:

  1. If bonding to the primary L is inhibited due to already having two bonds, or either of the inhibition interactions (an adjacent doubly bonded L particle, qualified by chainInhibitBondFlag, or an adjacent K particle, qualified by catInhibitBondFlag) the reaction is terminated.

  2. A random neighbor (neighborParticle) is chosen from the default neighborhood.

  3. If the primary L already has a bond to this neighbor, or to either of the neighbors at an angle of tex2html_wrap_inline1243 to this neighbor, the reaction is terminated.

  4. If neighborParticle is not an L particle the reaction is terminated. Otherwise it becomes the secondary L particle in the reaction.

  5. If bonding to the secondary L is inhibited due to already having two bonds, or either of the inhibition interactions, the reaction is terminated.

  6. If the secondary L already has a bond to either of its neighbors at an angle of tex2html_wrap_inline1243 to the direction from it to the primary L particle, the reaction is terminated.

  7. If neither the primary nor secondary L particles already have a bond, bondingProbability will be set to chainInitiateProbability; if just one of them already has a bond, bondingProbability will be set to chainExtendProbability; if both of them already have a bond, bondingProbability will be set to chainSpliceProbability.

  8. A bernoulli random variable is evaluated with probability parameter bondingProbability; if this evaluates as NO, the reaction terminates.

  9. The secondary L particle creates the bond to the primary L particle (and passes a pointer to it back to the latter).

  10. The primary L particle records the presence of the new bond also. This completes the bonding reaction.

next 3.3.4 Bond Decay
up 3.3 Reactions
gif 3.3.2 Disintegration

Document: SCL: An Artificial Chemistry in Swarm

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Timestamp: Tue Dec 31 19:40:38 GMT 1996