Object Oriented Programming (EE402)


- Main Index Page


Welcome to the Object-oriented Programming (and Algorithms) Module Main Index Page. This page provides the root of the documentation related to the EE402 module. I welcome any suggestions, related to the course material or content to further improve the course. I hope that you will find this both an interesting and educating module. This module is based on the previous EE553 module and will largely be the same this year. In subsequent years it will be expanded to assume a greater degree of introductory knowledge in advance of the module - Derek Molloy.


Course Index:

Terms and Conditions
EE553 Lecture Notes - HTML - PDF - Video - Tutorial - Examples (restricted)
 Course Description Module Descriptor Assessment
EE402 - Mailing List
EE402 Course Assignment (Sample EE553 assignment from 2005-2006)
EE402/EE553 - Exam Papers
Software Packages
Links to other resources and references...
On-Line Books (Appear to be all Java in 2005) (only from DCU computers)
EE402/EE553 - Course Assessment Form (not active - please use the general one)

Frequently asked Questions about EE402/EE553

All access to this facility is subject to the condition that neither Dublin City University nor any of its employees or agents will be held responsible for, or liable in respect of, any damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the use or inability to use the facility.  Please send any comments to Derek.Molloy"@"dcu.ie