Method Parameters

In Java all variables of the standard types (as detailed in the section called “Data Types”) are passed by value - never by reference. For example:

public class Test
   public void square(int x) { x = x*x; }

   public Test()
     int y = 5;
     System.out.println(" The value of y is " + y);  // outputs 5
     System.out.println(" The value of y is " + y);  // outputs 5
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new Test();

In Java if you pass an object to a method, you are always passing a reference to the object. This means that you are always operating on the original object. For Example:

 3 public class SomeClass 
 4   {
 5    public int x = 2; // just for demonstration - set public
 6   }
 8 public class Test
 9  {
10    public void square(SomeClass s) { s.x = s.x * s.x; }
12    public Test()
13    {
14 	  SomeClass y = new SomeClass();
15       System.out.println(" The value of SomeClass x is " + y.x);
16       // outputs 2
18       square(y);
19       System.out.println(" The value of SomeClass x is " + y.x);  
20       // outputs 4
21    }
23    public static void main(String[] args)
24    {
25      new Test();
26    }
27  }

When dealing with assignments in Java we have a very important difference between code written in C++ and code written in Java, that on initial inspection seems exactly the same.

Looking at the C++ version:

	/* In C++ */
	Account a(600);
	CurrentAccount b(500,5000); //bal = 500, overdraft = 5000
	a = b;
	a.display(); // results in "I am an account" being displayed
                 // with no mention of overdraft and a balance 
                 // of 500. The compiler would have prevented b = a;

Looking at the equivalent Java version:

	/* In Java */
	Account a;
	CurrentAccount b = new CurrentAccount(500,5000);
	a = b;
	a.display();  // results in "I am a current account"
                  // with an overdraft of 5000 and a balance of 500

In C++ when we assign a=b; the CurrentAccount object is simply sliced into an Account object - i.e. "fitting into the box for an Account object". In Java we simply have a reference to the original object so that object never changes - there is no slicing performed.