EE554 Online Resources

This page contains links to all resources associated with module EE554: Image and Video Compression. It is designed to serve as a jumping off point for everything you need to both attend lectures and complete the assignment associated with this module.

General resources:

PDF version of lecture notes

This is a link to a down-loadable PDF version of the  notes that accompany the lectures associated with this module. Notes should be down-loaded and brought along to every lecture. Note that notes are provided incrementally as the semester progresses. The availability of notes is notified via the EE554 mailing list.

PDF version of notes on Multimedia Content Analysis

This is a link to a downloadable version of the slides presented by Dr Kevin McGuinness on the supplementary section of this module, covered for the first time this academic session.

Module handouts

This is a link to supplementary material associated with this module that is typically not covered in lectures but that is useful background and/or necessary reading in order to be able to complete the assignment.

Interactive teaching aids

This is a link to a suite of interactive Java applets designed to help illustrate key concepts that historically students have found difficult to grasp.

Past papers

This is a link to PDF versions of all past exam papers associated with this module.

Lecture captures

Lectures are rountinely recorded using screen capture software - recordings of this year's lectures can be accessed here.

Assignment resources:

EE554 Assignment

This is a link to full instructions for the continuous assessment component of this module. It contains details on what is required in order to complete the assignment, as well as logistics about submission (deadline, format, etc)

EE554 software library

Assignment test data

Links to the C software library that can be used to complete the EE554 assignment and a selection of test data.