iHabimap (Principal Investigator)
2018 EPA Research Calls.
Started: April 2019,
Duration: 4 years.
Habitat mapping, assessment and monitoring with high resolution UAV imagery
SmartBog (Work package leader)
2018 EPA Research Calls.
Started: March 2019,
Duration: 4 years.
Smart observations of management impacts on peatland function
Huawei Video Project (Principal Investigator)
Started: January 2018,
Duration: 12 months.
Deep learning for large scale video classification
Synchronoss project (Principal Investigator)
Insight Targetted Project.
Started: January 2017,
Duration: 9 months.
Image tagging and near duplicate detection.
Cloud-LSVA (Researcher)
Started: January 2016,
Duration: 3 years.
Software for efficient and collaborative semiautomatic labelling and exploitation of large-scale video data solving existing needs for ADAS and Digital Cartography industries.
VisualID DRAW (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Partnership.
Started: April 2015,
Duration: 18 months.
Digital asset workflow automation using image recognition.
Irish Times Cropper (Principal Investigator)
Insight Targetted Project.
Started: January 2015,
Duration: 18 months.
Intelligent image clipping and cropping.
Smart Stadium (Consultant)
DCU, Intel, ASU, Croke Park
Started: January 2015,
Duration: .
Pilot test-bed for IoT technologies.
SportsVantage (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Commercialization Fund.
Started: 2013,
Duration: 18 months.
Video and social analytics for sports event detection.
AXES (DCU Technical Lead)
European Union
Started: January 2011,
Duration: 4 years.
The goal of AXES was to develop tools that provide various types of users with new engaging ways to interact with audiovisual libraries, helping them discover, browse, navigate, search and enrich archives.
Checkventory (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Voucher.
Started: 2014,
Duration: 4 months.
State-of-the-art report and research plan for image recapture detection on smartphones.
Kinesense (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Voucher.
Started: 2013,
Duration: 4 months.
State-of-the-art report and research plan to improve video analytics software being used by Kinesense Ltd.
VIOLET (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Commercial Feasibility Study.
Started: 2013,
Duration: 6 months.
Investigating the commercial potential of segmentation tools.
Videocrisp (Principal Investigator)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Voucher.
Started: 2013,
Duration: 4 months.
State-of-the-art and research plan for background subtraction and matting in talking-head type videos.
In the Zone (Consultant)
Enterprise Ireland
Commercialization Fund.
Started: 2012,
Duration: 24 months.
Zone-based wifi localization.
Netwatch (Consultant)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Partnership.
Started: 2011,
Duration: 18 months.
Image and video surveillance tools.
Sponge It (Researcher)
Enterprise Ireland
Innovation Partnership.
Started: 2010,
Duration: 12 months.
Brand and logo recognition in images.
Disney Communicator (Researcher)
Enterprise Ireland
Commercialization Fund.
Started: 2009,
Duration: 24 months.
Mobile device and HCI research.
K-Space (Ph.D. Researcher)
Started: 2006,
Duration: 48 months.
K-Space aimed at narrowing the gap between automatically computed content descriptors, and the richness and subjectivity of semantics in high-level human interpretations of audiovisual media: the semantic gap.
Data Analytics and Machine Learning (Lecturer, Module Coordinator)
Computer and Communication System Technologies (Lecturer, Module Coordinator)
Undergraduate Module,
Dublin City University.
Mobile Robotics (Lecturer, Module Coordinator)
Undergraduate Module,
Dublin City University.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision Summer School (Lecturer)
Digital Worlds (Guest Lecturer)
Undergraduate Module,
Dublin City University.
2015, 2016.
Advanced Literature Analysis (Lecturer)
Graduate Module,
Dublin City University.
Image and Video Compression (Lecturer)
Graduate Module,
Dublin City University.
Computer Vision and Interactive Segmentation (Invited Lecturer)
Graduate Seminar Series,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
2013 (2 weeks).
Introduction to Engineering and Computing (Lecturer)
Undergraduate Module,
Dublin City University.
Image and Video Compression (Lab Demonstrator)
Dublin City University.
Mobile Robotics (Lab Demonstrator)
Dublin City University.