Conduct of the Test

Document: Software Engineering 1: Laboratory Test 3

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Conduct of the Test

You should be present in the Laboratory at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the test. You will be assigned a computer by the invigilator. You may not subsequently move from this position without permission from the invigilator. You must leave your student card in clear view throughout the test.

You may not switch on or operate your computer until told to do so by the invigilator(s).

During the test you may not communicate in any way with any other person, inside or outside the laboratory, by any means whatever - with the sole exception of the invigilator(s). Any attempt to engage in unauthorised communication will be regarded as a severe breach of the examination regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.

The test will be of three hours duration.

Document: Software Engineering 1: Laboratory Test 3

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up Software Engineering 1: Test 3 (Autumn Repeat)
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Fri Jun 30 09:46:05 BST 1995