What is a Module anyway?

Document: The safe-c User Guide

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What is a Module anyway?

A C module normally consists of three separate files:

A user of a module, who wishes to use its facilities in her programs, needs access to the header file and the object file. The header file is necessary so that, while the compiler is translating your source code, it can check that it is interfacing in a correct and valid manner with the external module. The object file is necessary so that a complete executable file can be created by combining or linking together the object code from your source file, with the object code of the external module.

The user of a module does not require access to the source code of that module. The source code is only required if someone wants to modify the module in some way - correct some defect, or add new facilities etc.

Document: The safe-c User Guide

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Fri Jan 12 12:30:02 GMT 1996