
Document: The safe-c User Guide

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set_cursor() accepts exactly two arguments, both of integer_type. The first denotes a desired column number, and must be in the range 1 to 80; the second denotes a desired row (or line) number and must be in the range 1 to 25. These can be constants or variables. If they are variables they will not be altered by set_cursor().

set_cursor() moves the cursor of the MS-DOS window in which the program is running to the specified column and row. Nothing already displayed in the window will be modified. Column 1, row 1 is the top left position of the window.

If either the requested column or row is outside the allowed range, set_cursor() will generate a runtime exception and the program will be terminated abnormally.

set_cursor() does not produce any return value.

Document: The safe-c User Guide

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Fri Jan 12 12:30:02 GMT 1996