
You will not be able to receive email for the time being. That will be dealt with in subsequent lab sessions.

If you enter this address manually, omit the quotation marks. But, in this particular case, you can just click on the address and Netscape should bring up a mail composition window, already addressed to the correct address, and with your name and return address automatically recorded.

And your message is now - immediately - accessible to the entire world wide Internet community!

Select New on the File menu.

Select Save on the File menu. This will bring up a file selection dialog. On this you need to specify a disk drive - A: for the diskette - and the file name.

Select Open on the File menu. This will bring up a file selection dialog again.

This will serve to identify your particular file when you come to print it out in the next step.

Select Print on the File menu.

If you manage this successfully, you should be able to see the new directory listed by File Manager - for example as D:MYDIR or whatever.

To achieve this you need two (sub-)windows open in File Manager - one showing the contents of A:TMP, the other showing D:MISC. Then just drag the file TESTING.TXT across.

You may find it convenient to make this the default for Eudora. Drop down the Special menu and select Settings. Scroll down through the categories and select Attachments. Put a cross in the box marked Put text attachments in body of message. Now, whenever you bring up a new message window, the "TEXT->DOC" button will be deselected by default.

Note that, once you are viewing the program file in Netscape, you can use the Save as... option on the File menu of Netscape to save a copy of the program in some suitably named file on your PC.

The assignment operator also technically generates an "evaluation result", just as any of the other operators do. This evaluation result will be the value of the right hand operand - i.e. the same value as is stored in the variable named as the left hand operand. This allows an assignment operation to be nested within a more complex expression. That is sometimes useful, but its use is beyond the scope of the current session.

The circumference is given by the mathematical formula ; the area by the formula .

Note again that, once you are viewing the program file in Netscape, you can use the Save as... option on the File menu of Netscape to save a copy of the program in some suitably named file on your PC.

Technically, under the various idealizing assumptions we have made, it can be shown that the trajectory will be parabolic.

This change will be negative, because is negative; to put that another way, what goes up must come down!

If you really want to know, "ASCII" is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Tue Apr 30 14:15:37 GMT 1996