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  Advantages and Disadvantages of CTC

Conventional Colonoscopy vs. CTC


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Colon cancer is the 2nd most common cause of cancer related mortality worldwide.

Colorectal cancer develops from polyps.  These polyps form when cells lining the colon divide and reproduce in a uncontrolled manner. (Mitosis)

These polyps can be cancerous invading the colon wall and surrounding blood vessels and can potentially spread to other parts of the body including liver and lungs.

There are no symptoms associated with the first stages of colon cancer.  This is why regular screening is so important.

The exact cause is unclear but can be linked to hereditary and environmental factors.

Risk Factors

Controlled Factors  Non-Controlled Factors
Family History

Risks can be reduced by :

  1. Having regular screening checks
  2. Maintaining healthy diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in saturated (animal) fats.

Fruit and Vegetables seem to contain substances which interfere with the cancer formation process.

Obesity can increase the risk of cancer of the colon.  The risk is greater with those that have excess fat in waist area compared with those with the same amount of fat in thighs or hips.

Lack of exercise  can increase the risk as active individuals seem to have a decreased risk of developing colon cancer.

Persons whose smoke are 50% more likely to die from Colorectal cancer.

Men and Women over 50 are at equal risk of developing colon cancer.  Age seems to be a big factor as 90% of the people who develop colorectal cancer are over the age of 50.