Preliminary Steps toward
Artificial Protocell Computation

Barry McMullin

Dublin City University

International conference on Morphological Computation
ECLT, Venice, 27-28 March 2007
(FoilTeX Presentation)

The Team

What is a protocell?

What is (proto-)cell computation?

We will concentrate on the single (proto-)cell level.

What is its style?

What is its style?

How is it programmed?

Preliminaries (?)

In the absence of protocell level ...

Data: (self-)replicator selection events

Image ProgressiveDisplacementAnon

Questions, questions (but not now!)

Viva la revolution?

Well ... maybe not!

Image ProgressiveFidelity

Underlying: fidelity inversely related to length
(... though that doesn't really explain anything!)

Image 1Billion_AvgLength

Summary (counter-intuition?)

So what's really going on here?

So what's really going on here? (Aside)

What I didn't show earlier

Image ProgressiveDisplacement

Conclusion (?): so what?

Conclusion (preferred!):

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. -- Dirk Gently

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This work is copyright ©2007 by Barry McMullin.

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Timestamp: 2007-03-26