The Staff class Exercise

Task: Update the previous exercise to create a child of the Person class, called Staff. This child class should have the functionality as illustrated in Figure 3.28, “The Person and Staff class hierarchy.” that builds the basic functionality of the general person role in DCU.

Figure 3.28. The Person and Staff class hierarchy.

The Person and Staff class hierarchy.

The output of my version can be seen below, where the addPayRise() method is called to give a pay rise of 5%:

Name: Derek Molloy
Address: DCU, Glasnevin, D9
Telephone: 7005355

Creating Staff Member:

Name: Derek Molloy
Address: DCU, Glasnevin, D9
Telephone: 7005355
Office: S356
ID Number: 94971056
Salary: 12000 Euro

Payrise of 5%:

Name: Derek Molloy
Address: DCU, Glasnevin, D9
Telephone: 7005355
Office: S356
ID Number: 94971056
Salary: 12600 Euro

Solution: My version can be seen in Exercise2.cpp. Please do not look at the solution until you have had a good attempt at the exercise.