
Document: Software Engineering 1: Course Notes

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You must have completed all parts of the previous lab exercise in advance of this lab session. If you are having difficulty with some parts of it, look for help! But do this before you arrive for this session.

Prepare files (called MATMUL.C and BUBBLE.C respectively) containing the basic programs introduced on pages 17 and 19 of the textbook. Again, this must be done in advance of the lab session.gif

Note the comment on the listing of MATMUL (page 17 of the text book) that, when using Turbo-C, 1992, an extra "dummy" statement must be added in to correct for a bug in the Turbo-C application itself. The header file for the mathematical functions must also be included - i.e. a #include <math.h> directive must be added at the top of the file. Both of these corrections are already included in the online version of MATMUL.C.

Document: Software Engineering 1: Course Notes

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up Session 3: Week 5/6
previous Exercise 2: Bubble Sort
Wed Mar 15 10:20:49 GMT 1995