
Document: Software Engineering 1: Course Notes

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  1. As in the previous exercise, ensure that a directory called SWE1_TC exists on drive D:. Create it if necessary. If it already exists, and if there are any existing files or subdirectories in this directory, delete them. Then copy your files into this directory. Do all this before starting up Turbo-C++.

  2. Each exercise requires you to modify one of the given programs. But first, ensure that the original programs behave as expected. That is, in each case, get the program to compile and link successfully (zero error and warning messages), and then subject it to a range of tests. Make the tests as difficult and severe as you can imagine. You may find it useful to refer back to the information on using the Turbo-C++ IDE from the previous lab session.

    Do not proceed with trying to develop either of the modified programs until both original programs pass such tests. If in doubt, consult the demonstrator for advice.

    This should take no more than the first 50 minutes of the lab session, i.e. you should be finished this by 9:50.

  3. Now you can attempt to modify the programs. In each case, plan the modifications first; then carry them out; then eliminate any compile and/or link problems; and finally, carry out a range of tests, and correct any run-time problems which are uncovered. Schedule at most 55 minutes for each of the two exercises: that is, even if you are not finished with Exercise 1 after 55 minutes (10:45), put it aside and start on Exercise 2; similarly, even if you are not finished with Exercise 2 after a further 55 minutes (11:40), put it aside and proceed to preparing your formal report.

  4. You are allowed approximately 20 minutes at the end of the lab session for preparing and submitting the formal report. If you cannot complete it in this time, complete it on your own time afterwards. However, you should not spend more that one hour, in total, preparing and submitting the formal lab report. The report must be submitted within one week of the day on which your lab session is scheduled.

  5. If you do not get the exercises completed during the lab session, make sure that you come back and complete them on your own time, before the next session. You should not include any description of this further work in your formal report.

    If you get stuck, look for help, either via the e-mail feedback mechanism, or by coming to the tutorial!

Document: Software Engineering 1: Course Notes

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up Session 3: Week 5/6
previous Preparation
Wed Mar 15 10:20:49 GMT 1995